Final Portfolio

Final edited work on a CD is due no later than 5 p.m. on Monday, October 7, 2013.

Graduate students must include their reflective essay.

We would like to meet with each of you to discuss your final edits and portfolio creation. Email one of us for an appointment after fall semester starts. To make our review sessions efficient please have your work organized and sequenced how you would like us to see the material.

We are looking forward to seeing some great work.

Organizing your projects

You will be submitting your work in a powerpoint presentation that includes low resolution images and captions.

You will also submit high resolution files of your images.

Folder named as follows, marked yourlastname.stonehenge.

In the folder for each project there should be two folders, one labeled “Project name, your last name, Hi-res” and one labeled “Project name, your last name, Low-res.”

The low resolution (72 dpi) files are embedded in your power point presentation.

There should also be one PowerPoint file labeled “Your last name, JRN483, Summer 2013,” or “Your last name, JRN883, Summer 2013” This PP file should contain all your projects starting with Prague and going through London.

All projects should be turned in on a CD that is clearly labeled with your name, JRN 483 or JRN 883 Summer 2013.

Remember that each project requires writing that is appropriate for that project. For some projects that may be simple captions while others may need extended captions and a story. Spelling and grammar count!! Make sure you spell check your work and proofread everything carefully. Sequencing is extremely important. Think carefully about how each image builds upon the previous one.

  1. Prague Architectural Photography (light and shape) : 2 images and captions
  2. Arles conceptual project: 2 images and captions
  3. Arles and Roman ruins: 2 images and captions
  4. Paris neighborhood: 2 images and captions
  5. Stonehenge at sunrise and Lacock: 2 images from each site and captions
  6. London street life: 3 images and captions

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